Savings & Investments
We pride ourselves on providing bespoke investment advice for maximising the wealth of our clients. We have a robust investment process which starts by establishing your objectives and attitude to investment risk, from which we create a suitable portfolio using our ‘core and satellite’ investment strategy. This involves using dynamic, multi-asset funds as core investments with a strong emphasis on capital preservation as well as growth. The portfolio is then built around these funds using bespoke, sector-specific satellite investments.
Most importantly, we will ensure that your investment portfolio is reviewed regularly so that its asset allocation continues to meet our selection criteria. As part of the initial recommendations and ongoing review process, we will also ensure that your investments are made in the most tax-efficient way possible.
Some of the investment types on which we advise are:
National Savings
Investment Bonds
Unit Trusts/OEICs
Investment Trusts
Regular or Lump Sum Investments
School Fees Planning
IHT Arrangements
Offshore Investments
Trust Investments
Want to know more?​
Call us for a friendly chat on 01943 871638 or email: